Tumble Tots

Apex Tumble Tots
Our Tumble Tots Program is the perfect program to help our younger athletes get a head start on motor development. The Tots program helps promote fitness, build confidence, and teach body awareness, balance & flexibility. Tumble Tots classes are structured by age. (See below for a breakdown of the different classes)
Please come into the gym, email info@apexcheer.com or call (281-240-8833) to check for the latest schedule and openings.
The following provides the general program aspects:
Mom & Me Class - 45 minute class per week
All other Tumble Tots Classes - 1 hour class per week
6 to 1 athlete to coach ratio
Tumble Tots Classes:
Mom & Me: 16 months-2 years
Toddler Gym: 3 years of age
Pre Gym: 4 years of age
Kinder Gym: 5 years of age
For more information email Erika Franklin at info@apexcheer.com