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Covid 19 Gym Protocol

Apex will continue to remain transparent and communicate any positive cases to those in close contact while respecting the privacy of all athletes & families. Apex is also dedicated to keeping the gym a clean & safe environment! We are asking that our families continue to communicate and adhere to our exposure guidelines, as well as our covid policies in place.
Gym Disinfects Plan
Routine gym-wide sanitation occurs by Apex staff daily & by a hired professional company (Disinfex) monthly. Apex staff sanitizes the floors with a disinfectant spray, wipes down mats, and utilizes hand sanitizing stations throughout the gym.

At home health check
This is the screening question we ask our parents to go over, before coming to Apex. When athletes arrive, during the temperature check, they should be asked to confirm that they have done the at-home health check. This includes staying home if they have any symptoms listed, OR if a family member/someone in their household has symptoms. This also includes if they OR a family member/someone in their household has been exposed.


Dismissal/Parent Pick Up
For all athletes & staff - wearing a mask when entering and exiting as well as when in close contact with others is encouraged.  All athletes, staff and other personnel will be temperature checked before entering the building. No one enters the building with a temperature reading of 100.4 or higher. 


Everyone Must Review and adhere to the COVID Information

Before arriving please be sure you have thoroughly reviewed the attached PowerPoint presentation with your athlete.  We are requiring all athletes/coaches to comply with our protocols and procedures at all times. 

Athletes and coaches MUST:

  • Not present any symptoms on the checklist included in the PowerPoint→ At home health check

  • Have temperature checked upon arrival

  • WEAR A MASK upon entering and exiting the building

  • Sanitize upon entering the building

  • Bring their own water

  • Bring all their personal belongings in a gallon size Ziploc bag. No backpacks/bags etc.


We appreciate parents/guardians understanding regarding this matter and ask that you do not insist on being the exception. Additionally, we are unable to allow athletes to enter more than 5 minutes prior to their start time, nor are they able to remain in the building more than 5 minutes past their end time.


We are in phase 2 of opening up our parent viewing area. Phase 3 will be determined by information provided by the CDC, state mandates. Phase 2: A parent can come in for 1 tumbling or other recreational class a week. Teams are given a parent viewing schedule, to avoid overcrowding in the viewing area. Masks are encouraged. We are limiting the viewing area to 1 parent per athlete.  Phase 3 will hopefully allow full access to our parent viewing area, as long as the numbers stay in a safe range & all viewers wear masks.

If exposed to the covid-19 virus, Apex requires athletes to quarantine and not return to Apex until either accurate testing (with negative results has been obtained), they have been quarantined for 2 weeks, or consulted with a medical professional for clearance. Documentation of negative results should be sent to Accurate testing would be waiting 3-5 days after exposure before testing. Please send an email as soon as you are made aware of the exposure to notify Apex administration the days you will be out and the day of scheduled testing. An update as soon as testing has occurred & results have been delivered. Keeping the coach of your team informed is helpful but up to the parent/guardian. An Apex Administrator will reach out personally to assist, should this situation occur. We keep all situations confidential.


Thank you for your continued support in implementing our covid policies, we are so appreciative!!


Apex will not disclose any personal information of our clients and their families. If an athlete tests positive for covid 19, please send an email with details of the positive test date, when the athlete was last at Apex, & when symptoms occurred. Positive athletes may return after day 10  without testing OR after day 7 if they’ve received a negative test result (test must occur on day 5 or later) We keep all situations confidential.

This will occur if 2 or more covid cases arise.


Contact Information

Address: 4119 S. Main
Stafford, TX 77477​

Phone Number: 832-795-9360
[text or call for questions]


Hours of operation 

Regular Gym Hours

Monday-Thursday: 2:30 pm - 9:15 pm

Friday: 4:00PM-7:00PM

(no admin staff available at these times)
Saturday: Classes 9:30AM-12:30PM

(no admin staff available at these times)

Sunday: Closed

Friday-Sunday:  Private events offered 

(no admin staff available on these days)

Front Desk Hours

Monday-Thursday: Front desk hours available from 2:30-8:30PM

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Gym Closure Days


Winter Break: 

Spring Break:

Easter Break: 

Memorial Day: 

4th of July Break

Labor Day:

Nov. 24th-30th, 2024

Dec. 22nd, 2024-Jan. 4th, 2025

March 9th-15th, 2025

April 18th-20th, 2025

May 26th-27th, 2025

July 3rd-7th, 2025​

Aug. 30th-Sept. 1st, 2025

© 2020 APEX Cheer - All Rights Reserved

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